Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day Fifteen

Miles: 4
Time: 33:27
Pace: 8:22
Splits: 7:59, 8:18, 8:41, 8:30

(Note: The third split is so slow because I had to run over icy spots twice, and stopped for 10 seconds to tighten my shoe so my leg wasn't so hurty.)

COLD WEATHER ARRRRRGH!!!!!! I never know what to wear! It is 30 degrees. So I wear a thin, but insulating running jacket over a running t-shirt and a sports bra. Shorts over leggings. My ankle-height socks. SHOES. A hat. Gloves. The gloves come off around 1.2 miles. My arms start to get hot around 2 miles. I get home and I'm sweaty and gross because it is hot inside. I don't want to go out in just, like, a t-shirt and shorts/leggings (my legs were fine the whole run) because then I just look crazy. But my hands and arms get so freaking HOT! And they felt really heavy the last couple of runs, too. I've been taking vitamins, maybe I need to add something else in. :(

But I DO need to start eating more bananers (and probably drinking more water). My left quad/knee and my right ankle tendon thing were really tight the whole run, except the first mile. It is really, really annoying. I am glad that I've been running with my dad the last couple days or else I would chicken out of my 4 milers and run 3 instead. :( 4 mile runs just suck necause that is when my random aches peak, and then they go away after 4-5 miles. Yuck.

8 miles tomorrow; I get to pick the route. Excitement!

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