Miles: 6
Time: 53:34
Pace: 8:56
Splits: 8:44, 8:54, 8:45, 9:10, 9:10, 8:53
So I managed to get my dad to run with me, since he is home from work today. We ran 6 miles outside. The Weather Channel said it was about 10 degrees out and felt like 4, but our house thermometer said it was 24 degrees. It felt more around 20 than 4 degrees, so I am guessing the Weather Channel was just on crack.
Today's run was really, really painful; not gonna lie. My knee was starting to actually hurt around 1.75 miles, which is never good when you are running for another 4.25 miles. It wasn't feeling good when we turned around at 3 miles and around 4.3 miles, we went under an overpass and something twinged in my knee and it hurt REALLY bad. At 5 miles on my watch and about 5.1 on my dad's (our Garmins are way off from each other, it's weird) we went up this hill to go on a bridge on the trail and my leg slipped in some snow a little and my knee hurt a lot. And I just stopped and rubbed my knee and started crying. I felt totally pathetic and really frustrated.
We took it kind of slow the last mile back to the house, but my knee hardly hurt after the brief stop while I was crying like a baby. :/
But I have a doctor appointment set up for Thursday at 8:30 am. So I should be getting some answers soon. My dad told me not to run 8 miles tomorrow. I'll probably just do 2-4 before work. I'll wrap up my knee after I take a shower, and hopefully that helps. Meh. :(
Sorry to hear that. Hope the doc has something to say!